Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Halloween

I know I am behind in my blogging, but I just realized this afternoon that I had not posted any Halloween pictures of Noah.  I don't think anyone is reading this blog anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Noah wore a Frankenstein costume this year.  His Mommy and Daddy took him trick-or-treating in Brownsburg with some friends.  They have a little girl that is 2 years old.  She went as a bumble bee!  A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And the winner is . . . . . . .

During the month of August, Dish Network had a month-long contest going on.  All you had to do was enter online for a chance to win a few Dora the Explorer prizes.  I faithfully entered each and every day.  Lo and behold, one evening in September, I received an e-mail notification that I had won a prize which was a "Dora the Explorer" plush doll.  Of course, I was hoping for a life sized Dora, but it was not to be.  One day last month, our mail carrier delivered a 9"x12" padded envelope.  Inside that envelope was a Dora the Explorer Beanie Baby doll.  LOL!  I have to admit, she is cute, but not nearly the life sized doll I was hoping for!
Noah is a big Dora and Diego fan, so he became the recipient!
By the way, I promise I am going to do a better job of blogging.  I have taken hundreds of pictures so I have plenty to blog about!

Noah and "Dora"