Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Decorations

Here is a picture of our tree.  I am thinking about starting to wrap presents today!
Three years ago I bought the Fisher Price Little People Nativity.  When you push the angel on top, it plays "Silent Night".

There is a new addition to the Nativity.  A couple of weeks ago I bought the Fisher Price Little People "Little Drummer Boy".  And of course, when you push the bale of straw, it plays "The Little Drummer Boy".  Cute!

Here is a view of the complete Nativity scene to date.  Maybe I will continue to add on?
Noah will be surprised when he comes over this weekend.  He loves "Little People"!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Halloween

I know I am behind in my blogging, but I just realized this afternoon that I had not posted any Halloween pictures of Noah.  I don't think anyone is reading this blog anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Noah wore a Frankenstein costume this year.  His Mommy and Daddy took him trick-or-treating in Brownsburg with some friends.  They have a little girl that is 2 years old.  She went as a bumble bee!  A good time was had by all!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

And the winner is . . . . . . .

During the month of August, Dish Network had a month-long contest going on.  All you had to do was enter online for a chance to win a few Dora the Explorer prizes.  I faithfully entered each and every day.  Lo and behold, one evening in September, I received an e-mail notification that I had won a prize which was a "Dora the Explorer" plush doll.  Of course, I was hoping for a life sized Dora, but it was not to be.  One day last month, our mail carrier delivered a 9"x12" padded envelope.  Inside that envelope was a Dora the Explorer Beanie Baby doll.  LOL!  I have to admit, she is cute, but not nearly the life sized doll I was hoping for!
Noah is a big Dora and Diego fan, so he became the recipient!
By the way, I promise I am going to do a better job of blogging.  I have taken hundreds of pictures so I have plenty to blog about!

Noah and "Dora"

Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Cards

I have been busy the past several weeks making all sorts of crafts.  I had fun making several Halloween cards the other day.  They turned out so cute, that I wanted to share a few of them with you today.  Hint:  a few lucky ghouls and goblins will be receiving a card with a special treat inside in a few days :-)

Tomorrow I am spending the day with my friend Roxanne at an all day Stampin' Up Christmas card camp!  I think we will make a total of 30 cards, get a goody bag, plus spend the day doing something we love to do!

I'm going to put a big pot of chili on to cook, then spend the rest of the day weaving!

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Boys of Summer

It was such a beautiful afternoon yesterday, that I decided to take some pictures of "the boys" playing outside.
Merle, is our yellow Labrador Retriever and will be 10 years old this Thursday!  Blazer, is our German Shepherd and is 9.5 years old.  Fisher, is Zane and Katie's "Labbe".  A Labbe is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Beagle.  Fisher is approximately 16 months old.

Merle on the "prowl"

Blazer on squirrel patrol

Fisher aka "Fishy"

Blazer training Fisher how to be on squirrel patrol.  Merle did not want to play!

Lana and Jacob also have a pet, Otto the "Cockapoo".  I will get some pictures of Otto the next time he comes over for a visit!  Otto was diagnosed with diabetes in August, but is doing well by following a special diet and receiving 2 insulin injections each day.
Enjoy the pictures of the "Boys of Summer" and have a nice day!

Monday, October 5, 2009

My Favorite Colts Fan

I'm still trying to figure this blog stuff out.  It is harder than it looks.  I messed up on my first post yesterday and didn't write any comments, and tried for an hour and couldn't figure out how to add them later.  But, after numerous tries, I got my pictures where they belong, sorta.  I don't know how the other girls do this day in and out, because I almost pulled my hair out.  If any of you bloggers out there have any helpful suggestions, they will be most welcome!  (I think I have 3 followers now - tee hee)
So, we'll see how this one looks today.
Eventually, I want to get pictures of my many crafts on here! 

I took a few pictures of Noah in the front yard yesterday during the Colts game.  Notice the new hair cut he is sporting these days.  Not much more to say.  He got tired of having his picture taken and started picking flowers for "Mammy".