Monday, October 5, 2009

My Favorite Colts Fan

I'm still trying to figure this blog stuff out.  It is harder than it looks.  I messed up on my first post yesterday and didn't write any comments, and tried for an hour and couldn't figure out how to add them later.  But, after numerous tries, I got my pictures where they belong, sorta.  I don't know how the other girls do this day in and out, because I almost pulled my hair out.  If any of you bloggers out there have any helpful suggestions, they will be most welcome!  (I think I have 3 followers now - tee hee)
So, we'll see how this one looks today.
Eventually, I want to get pictures of my many crafts on here! 

I took a few pictures of Noah in the front yard yesterday during the Colts game.  Notice the new hair cut he is sporting these days.  Not much more to say.  He got tired of having his picture taken and started picking flowers for "Mammy".

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hey- I'm following, yay Cindy! Noah is such a cutey.

Yeah blogger sometimes makes me crazy and uploading pics can take forever.

I don't know how to do the fancy layout stuff...I don't even try! My friend did our current page design. I have no clue how she did it.

I'll help you if I can but I'm no techno savvy myself. So far it looks good!